Everything you need for Water Gas & Waste in a Smart City

Smart Water Network
- Reduction of non - revenue water (NRW)
- Upgrade of offered services
- More accurate and easier billing
- Optimization of energy consumption
- Reduction of stress of the water network
- Reduction of operational cost
- Improvement of water quality
- Rational natural resource management
- Easier management of consumers data and archives
- Extend asset life of electromechanical equipment
- Reduction of costs for finding, managing and disposing of new water resources
- Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of Smart Water Network through performance indicators (KPI's)

Smart Gas
Manage and Optimization on Gas Distribution Networks
R & M stations
First pressure reduction station,
metering, natural gas odorization
AMR devices
large/medium meters equipped with data correction and logging devices
Final Reduction Units
Intermediate and final level
of gas pressure reduction
Cathodic protection
remote reading

Smart Waste
WGW as a pioneer company in the field of Smart Cities Technology Providers in collaboration with IBM offers a complete and reliable technical solution regarding the Smart Solid Waste Management.
Smart Waste Platfrom 4 main levels (layers):
Total optimization of the solid waste cycle is implemented.

Water Filtration
The filtration is one of the most important treatments to which primary water, treated wastewater or sea water are subject, in order to use them. It consists in the removal of small-sized particles, particularly light and difficult to remove by other type of treatment.
In nature the filtration takes place through soil layers having the most varied chemical and physical characteristics. The same effect is produced with various technologies such as the filtration by gravity and filtration by pressure and by using filtering media as sand, quartz, active carbon, fabrics and special felts, cartridge filters and others.
The filtration processes proposed is suitable for the filtration of potable water, for the removal of iron and manganese, for tertiary treatments of municipal and industrial sewage, for the treatment of sea water.

Compact Biological Treatment Plant (MBBR)

Water Network Regulation
Valves and customized solutions for the pressure control, regulation and surge prevention of pressurized systems mainly for waterworks, sewage and special applications like sea water and industry.
Modern, reliable and innovative products proudly made in Italy and in compliance with the highest European and International quality standards.
Our extensive experience acquired over the years, and the use of advanced numerical tools, are the essential requirements that enabled us provide high quality product and an exclusive technical support becoming a point of reference in the field of fluid regulation and control.

IOT Communications
By Using different communication protocol we offer one of the best low-volume information transfer system ideal for utilities or companies requiring monitoring or control small volume of information appliances.
Our system creates a network of objects that communicate with eachother, interact or accept remote commands and automatically connect to the Internet.
Our IOT communication network implements radio link type Ultra Narrow Band techniques (UNB) in a range that does not require licensing across Europe (868 MHz) cost offective, two-way transmission of small amounts of data expanding greatly battery life (about 10 years) and service of connected devices.
Finally it has a high penetration capacity even in places where conventional technologies usually face big problems.

IOT Software Development
We develop and support integrated business (IOT) solutions, covering both in-house and third party applications to maximise the effectiveness of business processes.
We meet the changing needs and strategic objectives of the Customer, along with statutory obligations and government legislation.
Development and support of appropriate management reporting solutions.
Provision of adequate support, training and advice to users so that they can utilise
the systems effectively.

LoRa™ (acronym of Long Range) is a modulation technique designed by Semtech that guarantees long-range communications that compete with present technologies. The modulation is based on spread-spectrum techniques and on the spectrum frequency variation (chirp), with FEC error correction.
The LoRaWAN™ network is optimised to use sensors with reduced battery consumption and includes different end point classes depending on the need to prioritise network latency rather than battery life. It is an completely bidirectional protocol and has been designed by security experts to ensure reliability and protection.
LoRa network elements
LORAWAN architecture, as shown in the figure below, includes four elements:
- End Devices (field sensors that collect and transmit measurement data);
- Gateways (network devices that collect data from the end points);
- Network Server (LoRaWAN network control and authentication layers);
- Application Server (data collection and processing application layer).
Network Server
The sensors will collect the data and communicate with gateways for the connection to the network server.
The data collected and processed (Big Data Analysis) by an in-cloud Network Server can be monitored via software platforms or apps on mobile devices, allowing the data gathered by the sensors to be analysed or for reports and analysis to be extracted over the medium-long term, improving the efficiency and management of resources by sending specific alerts or operating distance management of remote plants via smart actuators.

Early Warning System
A user-friendly GIS package for real-time environmental monitoring and flood forecasting. It works in full-automatic way without the need of user's intervention: it connects to real-time data acquisition systems, processes hydro-meteorological data, runs computation model chains for flood forecasting and displays results.
The system receives and displays real-time data from different type of sensors and models such as: tele-metering rain-gauges, hydro-meteorological stations, river gauges, ground-based weather RADAR, high-resolution satellites, numerical weather prediction models, etc. The visualization of data is automatically updated any time new data are received.
Once real-time data have been received and processed, it runs forecasting models and displays results. Flood forecasts can be visualized as maps, time-series and animations. The system shows warning thresholds and highlights alarm situations at rain gauges, river gauges or user defined areas to help users in taking decisions. Visualization options include real-time display of river cross-sections with water level indication and warning thresholds, water level profile on the main river reaches, multi-window visualization features and animations. Favorite windows and display configurations can be saved and recalled to create custom visualizations.
Data can be exported at any time from the visual
interface to Microsoft Excel files.

WGW offers technical training to impart the required knowledge for the proper use of its products and solutions both from a practical and theoretical point.
The advanced hydraulic and automation laboratory, one of the biggest in Europe, is able to reproduce and to show in a smaller scale the behaviour and operating principles of several products like control valves, pressure relief valves, air valves and other devices usually present in modern water distribution and pressure systems.
The training courses are covering different subjects like:
- Training courses for technical personnel providing a detailed explanations of our products through technical presentations, animations, simulations and tests.
- Practical training courses for field technicians involved in the day to day use of products and to whom we are teaching how to intervene manually on our products, both maintenance and in case of emergencies.
- Surge analysis and prevention, with real case studied and solved both for water and wastewater and gas applications
- Customized training session tailored to suit customer needs for specific products or projects.

O&M Services
WGW has a long track record of successful operation and maintenance management in Water, Gas and Waste Sector.
With O&M contracts, WGW allows the client to delegate all management and maintenance responsibility to our dedicated team.
Parts of the O&M can also be provided as Long term Operation and Maintenance services, Periodic On-site Inspection, Remote Plant Operation Supervision Services and Preparation and Implementation of Maintenance Plans.
Operation is effectively managed by technically qualified and experienced personnel, in compliance with local standards and regulations, assuring health and safety of the employees. A multidisciplinary back office team supports O&M site teams and provides technological solutions for changing and unexpected conditions and requirements.